MUSIC and Recording
WHAT: No matter what type of music you are into, come along and be part of the creation station.
Work in our professional recroding studio and make your own music with the latest technology.
Upload your music to soundcloud, practice in our space and form music collaborations.
TUTORED BY: Mentored under professional musicians & recording artists
SKILLS: You will learn the art of song writing, recording and laying down tracks using electronic equipment.
This program will give you confidence in creating original music in our professional recording studio.
WHERE: Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre- Yirang Building
WHEN: Starts March 10th Wednesdays 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm EACH TERM
COST: $120 per term (10 classes)
AGE: 12-25 YEARS
Call 4363 1044 to register