Our Projects

We provide Free Breakfast for high school students from any high school.

When: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the school term.

Time: 7.30 to 8.30 am 
Youth Brekky Club is a Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre program. We are not funded for this program and rely on generous donations to keep this program running. Bendigo Bank Kincumber has been kindly donating to Brekky Club every term. We are feeding brekky to around 90 students per session.

On Wednesdays, our Senior Youth worker Sharon attends Brekky Club to chat with any young person who may need extra assistance.

If you would like to help support us to keep running this critical program you can do that here:  https://kincumbernc.com.au/dev/services/donate/donate-to-the-centre

Donations are greatly appreciated.


Thank you to everyone and a big thank you to our dedicated volunteers who help each week.  The interaction between the volunteers and young people is very positive and helps break down intergenerational barriers.

Why not help with Brekky Club…

Volunteer here
If you have registered interest you can Message us on Facebook or Ring and leave a Message for Leanne on 4363 1044


Are you looking for a space to run a group or hold an event? We may have the space you are looking for!

Room hire forms and information