Community News

We would like to say a huge thank you to Bendigo Bank Kincumber for their generous donation of $500 to our Youth Brekky Club.

We cannot run this fanastic program without the support of our local community, and we are very lucky to have the support of great local businesses and organisations. It currently costs approx $100 per week to run this program and we feed an average of 650 students of Kincumber High School each month of school terms.

Some of the fantastic organisations that support it are:
Lendlease/Brentwood Village
Roundabout Op Shop
Broadwater Court Management
Broadwater Court Residents Group
MacMasters Ladies Social Fundraising Group
Bellbirds Committee
Pandora Women’s Committee

We would also like to give a huge callout to our amazing volunteers who keep this program running three mornings per week.


Are you looking for a space to run a group or hold an event? We may have the space you are looking for!

Room hire forms and information