KNC Food Pantry & Second Bite will be running tomorrow from 10.25am.
We ask that everyone exercise patience as we navigate these changes and ensure that we respect each other’s personal space.
We do not know how much food will be donated tomorrow given the supply chain and unprecedented demand for food but are running as normal with what we have.
Due to advice from NSW Health and the World Health Organisation there will be some temporary changes in order to protect you our clients, and also our volunteers & staff from COVID-19.
We have a station for hand sanitising and ask that you sanitise on your way into the program and also when leaving.
Please refrain from visiting the centre if you are unwell with any of the following symptoms;
1. Respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
2. If anyone in your household is unwell with the above symptoms.
3. If you have been in contact with anyone diagnosed with Corona Virus or with any of the above symptoms.
4. If you have travelled overseas in the last 14 days.
KNC Volunteers & Staff will stay home if they exhibit any flu-like symptoms and only return to KNC when they are cleared by a doctor.
Or after 14 days self-isolation in the case of exposure to someone with symptoms.