Community News

Corona Virus Update


We have implemented some temporary changes in line with advice from NSW Health and the World Health Organisation.
This is to protect our clients, hirers, volunteers and staff from COVID-19.
From today, we will be implementing new hygiene requirements when visiting our centre as well as Social Distancing practices.

Visiting community members will be encouraged to:
1. Phone ahead on 4363 1044 before attending the centre
2. Use hand sanitiser upon entering and leaving the building.
3. Wash hands regularly with soap and water.

Please refrain from visiting the centre if:
1. You are unwell with any of the following symptoms; respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
2. If anyone in your household is unwell with the above symptoms.
3. If you have been in contact with anyone diagnosed with Corona Virus or with any of the above symptoms.
4. If you have traveled overseas in the last 14 days.
KNC Volunteers & Staff will stay home if they exhibit any flu-like symptoms and only return to KNC when they are cleared by a doctor - clearance certificate must be produced OR after 14 days self-isolation in the case of exposure to someone with symptoms.
We will keep everyone informed of any other updates.
Take care everone.


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