Community News

Expressions of Interest for the KNC Volunteering Program
Have you been thinking about Volunteering in your Local Community?
Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre has Volunteering Opportunities available across our Programs.

There is something to suit everyone.
We have openings in:

Youth Brekky Club
Brekky Club runs 3 days a week.
You can choose your day or do all 3.
Monday, Wednesdays & Fridays of the school term.

KNC Playgroup
We are looking for some volunteers to help with Playgroup

KNC Food Pantry & Second Bite
Every Wednesday from 9 am to 11.30am

We have some openings available to work on Reception and other duties as needed.

KNC Eco Garden
Love Gardening and connecting with the community?
We have a wonderful community garden and are looking for some Volunteers.
Working With Children Checks Required
Contact KNC to make an application.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view
Or call Reception on 4363 1044


Are you looking for a space to run a group or hold an event? We may have the space you are looking for!

Room hire forms and information