Community News


Do you need Help with your Tax?
You may be eligible for Free Tax Help.
Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre have appointments available on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 12pm.
Call 4363 1044 to book your appointment.

You are eligible for Tax Help if your income is around $60,000 or less for the income year and you didn't:

work as a contractor, for example a contract cleaner or taxi driver
run a business, including as a sole trader
have partnership or trust matters
sell shares or an investment property
own a rental property
have capital gains tax (CGT)
receive royalties
receive distributions from a trust, other than a managed fund
receive foreign income, other than a foreign pension or annuity.


Are you looking for a space to run a group or hold an event? We may have the space you are looking for!

Room hire forms and information