
Donate to the Centre

Our Neighbourhood Centre always needs more funding to continue to expand its range of programs and facilities that help support out local community. If you think our staff and volunters do a great job and you would lik to support the Centre and your local community why not make a tax deductable donation. Every little bit helps us continu to serve and improve the range of services we provide.

Donate to KNC Food Pantry

Access to fresh, nutritious food for people in need.

We do this by stopping good food from going to waste. We rescue edible, nutritious food that was heading for landfill and give it to people in need, free of charge. For us, it’s simple: if it’s good enough to eat, it shouldn’t go to waste.

We are very grateful Coles and Fresca Fruit Kincumber and all those that mange to donate food to our program, but we can always do more. If you can help us stock up by providing a cash donation that would be fantastic!


Are you looking for a space to run a group or hold an event? We may have the space you are looking for!

Room hire forms and information